First, I would like to wish each and every one of you a safe and joyful holiday season. It is my ardent hope that each of you can experience the joy and fulfillment this season brings and to share that joy with family and friends and especially with those who are less fortunate than you. Open your hearts and minds to the miracles that have happened in each of our lives this past year and recognize them for what they truly are: Miracles from the Great Creator of Heaven and Earth.
Every faith has stories of miracles and blessings bestowed by God, so regardless of what your personal religious beliefs may be, this time of the year has historically been recognized as a time to collectively think of others. We have the opportunity to look again at where we have been, reflect on what blessings we have received and continue to receive, and also to consider ways to spread the truly wonderful message of Freemasonry to the world. That message is that “every human being has a claim on your kind offices, do good unto all… Finally, brethren, be ye all of one mind, live in peace and may the God of love and peace delight to dwell with and bless you.
May the bounteous Blessings of God be upon you and keep you safe during this festive season.
Stanton Brown II
Grand Master