EDICT 4.24.20 from MWB Stanton T. Brown, II Grand Master


Please refer to the attached EDICT (4.24.20) from MWB Stanton T. Brown, II, Grand Master.

This message is sent by widest dissemination by the Grand Lodge of Missouri to all Members due to the critical nature of the situation.

This is to be shared as practicle to include Social Media outlets and to be read and posted at the Lodge at the next stated communication.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Jeffrey S. Pennington
Grand Secretary

Read the Full PDF Here

EDICT April 24, 2020

TO: All Missouri Masons under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri

Whereas, on March 25, 2020, I, as Grand Master, issued an Edict suspending all lodge meetings, masonic community events and degree work through April 24, 2020; and

Whereas, the State of Missouri has issued a “Stay At Home” Order through May 3, 2020; and

Whereas, other governmental jurisdictions have issued “Stay At Home” regulations extending through later dates; and Whereas, public health authorities have issued recommendations relating to the conduct of meetings held following the expiration of said orders and regulations,

THEREFORE, under the authority of Section 2.010(k) of the By-Laws of the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri as Grand Master, I hereby issue the following additional Edict, effective immediately:

A. The Edict issued March 25, 2020 is hereby extended in full until May 3, 2020:
B. All lodges desirous of meeting may only do so to the extent the same is otherwise allowed by the laws, ordinances and regulations of the city, county or other political subdivision in which the lodge hall is located;
C. All meetings so held shall be conducted in a manner which complies with all laws, regulations, requirements and guidelines of the State of Missouri and any city, county or other political subdivision in which the lodge hall is located;
D. All meetings so held shall further be conducted in a manner which complies with all recommendations of the United States Centers for Disease Control with respect to face coverings, hand sanitation, and disease mitigation protocols;
E. Notwithstanding Section 7.060 of the Grand Lodge By-Laws, all meetings shall be conducted in the First Degree of Freemasonry so as to comply with all social distancing guidelines in the practice of Masonic Ritual;
F. No degree conferral, ceremony, education or other business that cannot be conducted in a manner that complies with the above requirements may be conducted by the lodge.

It is further recommended that attendance at all meetings be limited to resident members of the lodge so as to comply with social distancing and public gathering size recommendations.

Notwithstanding the above, the Edict issued March 11, 2020 allowing subordinate lodges to cancel or postpone stated communications at the discretion of the Master when the purpose of said cancelation or postponement is to prevent or limit the exposure of officers and members of the subordinate lodge to coronavirus or some other such infectious or contagious disease of a similar nature remains in full force and effect through September 1, 2020 and all dispensations issued pursuant to that Edict remain in full force and effect.

This Edict shall remain in full force and effect until otherwise modified by further Order of the Grand Master.

Stanton T. Brown, II
Grand Master