MWB Kevin M. Fuller

Most Worshipful Brother Fuller was born in Sturgis, Michigan, and moved to Missouri in 1991. He currently lives in Lee’s Summit with his wife of 24 years, Joy, and two daughters, Hannah (17) and Gretchen (15). As a vocation, MWB Fuller assists corporations and non-profits to design and build cyber security programs to protect customer data, corporate intellectual property and ensure business continuity.

Initiated, passed, and raised in Saint Louis Missouri Lodge #1, MWB Fuller served his home lodge as Worshipful Master in 2010-11 and is a multiple member of Summit Lodge #263 where he is an active member. MWB Fuller served as Junior Grand Marshal in 2014-15 before being appointed to the Advancing Grand Line by MWB Richard L. Smith in May 2015. Since joining the Advancing Line, MWB Fuller has served on the Masonic Home of Missouri Board of Directors including serving as Board President in 2023-24. He has served on many Grand Lodge committees including Scholarship Fund, Scholarship Selection, Samuel Smith Stewart, Missouri Masonic Children’s Foundation, Office Oversight, George Washington Masonic National Memorial, Investment, Long Range Planning, Masonic Publications, and Relief & Charity. He has served as the Chairman of the Special Committee on Achievement Awards from 2013-2016, Chairman of the Special Committee on Technology from 2014-17, and was a member of the Special Committee on Mentoring from 2011-12. MWB Fuller also frequently serves as a moderator for the Grand Master’s Chance to Advance classes around the state and served as a member of the St. Louis Grand Master’s Consecration Breakfast committee from 2013-21.

MWB Fuller is an active supporter of Missouri appendant bodies including the Scottish Rite – Valley of Kansas City, Royal Arch – Wyoming Chapter No. 43, Allied Masonic Degrees – Santa Fe Council No. 417, Ararat Shrine, and the Missouri Lodge of Research.