Right Worshipful Brother Chris M Nickle was born on January 25th, 1974. He grew up in Farmington, Missouri and later Cassville, Missouri, graduating from Cassville High School in 1992. He attended Northeast Missouri State University in Kirksville. He currently owns his own commercial real estate appraisal company. Chris and his wife Tonya have been married since 1999 and they currently reside in Carthage, MO.
When asked why he became a Mason, RWB Nickle answers because of a 1966 Ford Mustang. His grandfather, Clell Wade, was a great man, a Mason and a member of the ABA Shrine Mustang unit. While growing up, he and his grandfather lived several hours away from each other and the Mustang gave them something over which to bond. Inspired by his grandfather RWB Nickle joined Fellowship Lodge 345 in 2010 and soon discovered that he was actually a fourth generation Missouri Mason. RWB Nickle then went on to join the Scottish Rite Valley of Joplin in 2010, the Shrine in 2012 and the York Rite in 2019.
RWB Nickle has served his Lodge as Master in 2014-2015 and the Grand Lodge as District Deputy Grand Master from 2014 to 2018. He served on the southwest Missouri MOChip team for several years. He is a lifetime member of the MO Lodge of Research and a Masonic Home Truman Club Member.
RWB Nickle is a proponent of our Masonic Youth and has been made an Honorary State Master Councilor and has received the Legion of Honor.
He has served the Scottish Rite Valley of Joplin as Wise Master of the Rose Croix, as Venerable Master of the Lodge of Perfection and has been the Administrative Officer of Joplin’s RiteCare. RWB Nickle currently serves on the board of directors of Scottish Rite Foundation of Missouri.